a damn good read

a Mindd initiative

Start Giving A Damn

Do good, become better. Everyone does it from time to time. Some just more often and more consciously than others. But why do we actually do it? Research shows that it is in human nature to do good and that we also do it for ourselves. Not to show how good we are, but because, among other things, it makes us happier, wiser, and healthier. A mindd initiative.

Soon available as Audio-book

Available as Book & E-book
A Damn Good Business

A damn good Business; Make good money, but meaningful. Become a Meaningful Profit company within 30 days and make good profits by adapting your business to human nature. A mindd initiative.

Soon available as Audio-book

Available as Book & E-book
Damn Good Communication

Say it right or shut up. Using the right (body) language in every situation to every audience. Privately and professionally, become damn good at making contact with people and make sure you are to be heard. A mindd initiative. 

Available soon as Book, E-book & Audio-book
A Damn Good Purpose

Life matters on purpose. Become extremely valuable to yourself and others in business and life by finding and living your purpose. Cultivate a fulfilling life where each day brings joy and you make a positive impact on the world and yourself. A mindd initiative.

Available soon as Book, E-book & Audio-book
Damn Good Leadership

Lead or get out of the way. Become a great leader and enable the full potential of yourself and your colleagues. Leadership is a choice and the skills can be learned by anyone. A mindd initiative.

Available soon as Book, E-book & Audio-book
A Damn Good Mindset

Get out of your mind. Become the best version of yourself in business and private life. It’s never to late to upgrade yourself to version 2.0. A mindd initiative.

Available soon as Book, E-book & Audio-book
A Damn Good Startup

Start or fail, but do it. Everyone can become an entrepreneur in 30 days. Dare to dream big and start small. It is your mindset that matters and largely determines whether your startup will succeed or fail. A mindd initiative.

Available soon as Book, E-book & Audio-book

Ben Steenstra (1973) is a serial entrepreneur, strategist, executive coach, author, and public speaker. His first venture was an International advertising agency on which he co-wrote the book "I am not alone in the world" in 2011 with Wassili Zafiris. Although this book cursed management, it was nominated 2 times for management book of the year. In 2023, he started the "Become Damn Good" initiative from one of his current companies called Mindd. This initiative includes publishing books, articles, videos, and podcasts explaining how to become very good at something while doing good.   Nicci Serverens (1984) is a seasoned writer who writes articles, short stories, and speeches for various companies both online and offline. She is a co-initiator of "Become Damn Good."