Damn good communication

Become a communication master and unlock your full potential to connect with others. Discover the art of human interaction and the psychology behind it. Whether you’re looking to connect with someone one-on-one or influence and motivate a large audience, these skills will be invaluable. Explore the endless possibilities of connecting with others on a deeper level, and learn the secrets of great communicators who have made a lasting impact on the world.

“Communication is not just about what you say, it's about how you say it, and how you listen.” Lisa B. Marshall

The Danger of Certainty: Why Being Wrong Can Be Right

One day, I came to talk about Buddhism with the principal of one of the schools we have built in Thailand. While he was teaching me as a wise old man and a well-read Buddhist, he told me that Buddha was born in Thailand. For me, this was remarkable because I just came from Cambodia […]

Create Stunning Presentations for Free: The Best Tools You Need to Know
From Boring to Brilliant: How to Make a Presentation That Stands Out
10 Key Communication Skills You Need to Become Damn Good at Your Job
Finding Common Ground: How to Build Bridges with Those Who Disagree
The Conversation Code: How to Crack the Secrets of Effective Interpersonal Communication
Rapport Building 101: How to Connect with Anyone, Anywhere
The Art of Influence: Why Facts Don’t Always Win Arguments
The Art of Listening: Why the Question Behind the Question Matters
Beyond Optimism: The Art of Positive Communication
Speak to be Heard: Mastering the Art of Effective Communication
Unlock Your Writing Potential: 7 Tips for Creating Powerful Promotional Content